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Liquid Chlorophyll 473 ml - Gramse

Retail price: $29.60
Our price: $22.20
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 Gramse - Kosher L'Mehadrin Liquid Chlorophyll

Better absorption, higher efficiency, enhanced taste

Chlorophyll is the green substance in every plant. The chlorophyll is known as the green magic of nature. The photosynthesis process cannot take place without chlorophyll. This process is considered to be one of the most significant processes to the existence of life on earth.

Chlorophyll can raise oxygen levels in the body. Its similarity to hemoglobin gives its significance to the blood system. Documentations show successful treatments with chlorophyll in cases of festers, acute infections in the upper respiratory system and sinuses, and ulcer. It was discovered that the activity of the chlorophyll is related to the increase in the resistance of cells. The chlorophyll encourages production of connective tissues, meaning cicatrization of wounds. The chlorophyll has a strengthening activity on the immunity system. It is able to prevent activity of cancerous substances, and also to support the body after chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Chlorophyll is also helpful in cases of gingivitis and infections in the mouth mucous, or in oral wounds causing bad breath. Liquid chlorophyll contains vitamin K, used to control blood clotting; therefore the chlorophyll is ideal for women who suffer from menorrhagia, and the anemia it causes. Another important role of the chlorophyll is to prevent kidney stones by avoiding creation of oxalate calcium in the urine. The chlorophyll is known as an alkali substance, which decreases and regulates the acidity of the digestive system. Chlorophyll deodorizes the body and the mouth in particularly. A chlorophyll supplement is extremely important to those that do not eat much vegetables or fruits, especially greens.

Liquid Chlorophyll is an excellent source of chlorophyllin, the active material in chlorophyll. Its flavor is light mint, and it does not contain paraben.

Positive effects of Liquid Chlorophyll:

  • Detoxicate the body
  • Supports the liver
  • Deodorizes mouth and body
  • Contributes to the cicatrization of wounds
  • Assists in the healing process of infections in the mouth mucous, the digestive system, and the nose
  • Encourages increase of hemoglobin
  • Anti-mutagenic effects
  • Helps in cases of gastric ulcers
  • Supports pancreatitis
  • Encourages growth of fibroblast
  • Relieves mild to medium constipations

Recommended use: 1 teaspoon, 2 times a day. Mix in a glass of water and drink before meals.
Keep refrigerated after opening.

Contents: 473 ml

Made in USA

Kosher Badatz 

This product is not a medicine and is not intended to replace medical treatment.
The information above is not controlled by the Ministry of Health 

  • Barcode: 8563140008357
  • Shipping Weight: 0.7kg
  • Manufactured by: Gramse Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

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