Rejuvenate Your Mind, Body, and Spirit
Soothe Sore Muscles, Stimulate Circulation, and Refresh Your Senses
Indulge in the balancing benefits of rejuvenating SunBreeze oil, designed to soothe sore muscles, stimulate circulation, and refresh your senses. This carefully crafted formula combines natural essential oils and a potent blend of botanical extracts, making SunBreeze the perfect solution for alleviating stress, relieving tension, and revitalizing overworked muscles and stiff, aching joints. Experience instant relief and a rejuvenating burst of aromatherapy by massaging SunBreeze onto your neck, temples, or any part of your body.
SunBreeze Essential Oil - Benefits:
Ingredients: Peppermint, Cassia oil, Mint Extract, Menthol, Eucalyptus oil, and camphor.
Recommendations: For muscle and temple relaxation, apply a small amount of SunBreeze and gently massage it into the desired area.
Caution: Avoid direct contact with the eyes.
Contents: 5 ml
Made in USA
Kosher Parve
Pregnant women, breastfeeding women, people on medications, and parents treating children should contact their doctor before use.
The above information does not constitute medical advice. In case of a medical problem, contact your doctor.
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