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ActivBrain (Activbrn) - Phosphatidyl Serine 100mg 60 Capsules - SupHerb

Retail price: $46.40
Our price: $34.80

SupHerb, ActivBrain (Activbrn) - Phosphatidylserine 100 mg

In May 2003, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration declared the chemical phosphatidylserine to be the first and only supplement that could legally be advertised as possibly reducing the risk of cognitive dysfunction and dementia in the elderly. Since then, the FDA's decision has proven wise, as researchers around the world have performed numerous studies further documenting not only phosphatidylserine's cognitive benefits, but also its stress-relieving benefits. Below are links to recent study abstracts involving phosphatidylserine (popularly abbreviated as PS):

ActivBrain supplement uses:

  • Memory Improvement
  • Improving concentration
  • Improving learning
  • Relief in situations of depression
  • Sharp mind and alertness

Good intercellular communication: the key to the proper functioning of our minds:

ActivBrain is a unique complex of phospholipids from plant sources, containing both phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidic acid (PA). Phosphatidylserine belongs to the phospholipids, a family of fats that form the building blocks of the cell envelope, in which or via which most of the biological activity of our bodies. The most important of the phospholipids is phosphatidylserine, which is found in large quantities in nerve cells in the brain and is highly involved in numerous neuronal processes. Phosphatidylserine increases intercellular communication in the brain. ActivBrain also includes phosphatidic acid, which aids the body in its own natural production of phosphatidylserine. As an added benefit, PA increases the efficacy of strength training, as shown in this 2012 study.

Clean manufacturing
ActivBrain'stwo active ingredients, PS and PA, are produced using a unique manufacturing technology developed by Lipogen Ltd. Production occurs in clean aqueous solvents, so there is no chance of contamination from synthetic phospholipids. This process protects the health of the local ecosystem while mimicking the natural phospholipid production mechanism of the human body.

Each capsule of ActivBrain contains: 
Phosphatidylserine ...........................................100 mg 
PhosphatidicAcid.............................................. 100 mg
Soy Lecithin ...................................................... 270 mg

ActivBrain contains no transfats, is extracted from soy lecithin, and is not genetically modified.

ActivBrain - Instructions: 
Standard dose: One capsule a day (regular diet). 
For mild cognitive or memory issues (especially in people over age 50): two capsules a day. 
For moderate to more severe cognitive dysfunction: 3 capsules per day.

Contents: 60 capsules

Made in Israel

This information does not constitute medical advice and is not indicatory. In case of a medical problem, contact your physician.

  • Barcode: 7290012608001
  • Shipping Weight: 0.22kg
  • Manufactured by: SupHerb - Natural Food Supplements

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